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Veal and Asparagus with Basil Mayo
This meal is quick to make and very light and healthy, makes for a great summertime dinner that you can have on the table in 30 Min’s, so a great after work recipe. I used veal scallops and did 4 per person, about 200g in weight for each person. I know this cut can be quite expensive so feel free to make this with veal cutlets of similar weight, taste just as good but kinder on the wallet. I used the scallops, as hubby had just come home from a business trip and wanted a light meal as he is never to hungry after a long flight, but I also wanted something a little more special hence the cut.


800g Veal Scallops (or schnitzels whichever way you say it.)
16 Basil leaves
16 Slices prosciutto
650-700g Asparagus spears, trimmed (thin stalked)
1 Tablespoon olive oil

Basil Mayonnaise

1/2 Cup mayonnaise
21/2 Tablespoons fresh basil, finely chopped
1 Tablespoon lemon juice


1. Top each scallop with a basil leaf and wrap prosciutto around each.

2. Heat oil in a large frying pan, cook veal about 3-4 Minutes a side or until cooked through

3. Boil, steam or microwave asparagus until tender.

Basil Mayonnaise

1. Combine mayo and lemon juice in a bowl, mix well, stir in chopped basil.

To Serve: Arrange asparagus on a plate top with veal and dollop mayo on each.

All photos taken by me unless otherwise