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Flathead Fillets with a Tarragon Butter
This is a very simple dish, it does not take much time to make, is really healthy and looks wonderful. When I lived in Australia I used to make this with flathead fillets, but these fish are native to Australia, so now I have moved I have had to adapt. The other night when I made these I used really small fillets of perch, so adapt the recipe for what you can get, I have also made this with small sea brim fillets, so it is versatile, just make sure they a little fillets.


12-16 Small fish fillets, flathead if you live in OZ (I say 12-16 depending on whether you want to do 3 or 4 fillets per person, I prefer 4 so take your pick.)
2 Tablespoons plain flour
2-4 Teaspoons garlic powder (Depending on personal taste.)
2 Medium Sweet Potato (about 500g in weight.)
Salt and pepper
200g Baby asparagus
200g Snow peas
80g Melted butter
11/2 Tablespoons tarragon, coarsely chopped.


1. Peel sweet potato and cut into thick slices (about 2cm each slice). Boil steam or microwave until just tender. Heat some oil in a pan, add sweet potato slices and brown on both sides.

2. Mix flour with some salt and pepper, sprinkle fish with garlic on both sides, dip fillets into flour, shake off any excess.

3. Add fillets to a heated pan and cook until browned on both sides, remember they are small fillets so cooking time will be quick.

4. Boil, steam or microwave the asparagus and snow peas until just tender.

5. Mix tarragon with melted butter.

To Serve: Divide sweet potato among plates, top with vegetables, then place fish on top of them. Drizzle combined melted butter and tarragon over.

All photo’s taken by me unless otherwise stated.