Archive for » October 4th, 2008«

BBQ Marinade for Lamb Chops
I do a recipe swap every month and this is the first recipe I decided to make for the swap I am in. It was very good and quick and easy to make with a great end result to the lamb chops. I served mine over carrot slices, parsnip slices sprinkled with lemon pepper and zucchini slices that I dipped into the BBQ sauce before cooking. It was absolutely excellent and the vegetables were perfect and went really well. This will become a recipe that we will enjoy often. If you want to read more reviews or see more photos of this recipe please click here.


1/4 Cup soy sauce
1/2 Cup malt vinegar
1/2 Cup sugar
1/2 Cup plum jam
2 Tablespoons tomato sauce
2 Tablespoons lemon juice
1/2 Teaspoon salt (I omitted this)


1. Mix together, and marinate lamb chops before cooking on the barbecue or in the oven.

2. Baste occasionally during cooking.

Yields 2 cups

All photos taken by me unless otherwise stated.